Preserve and Protect Your Family's Most Precious Memories Today - to Save and to Share.

Services & Pricing

Things That We Can Digitize,
Services That We Offer, and Pricing

Some services have a standard price because there is largely only one way to perform it, and those prices are listed below.  Other services allow the customer more flexibility in the type of final product, because we custom-build our methods and services around your specific requests and needs.  In these cases, we find that it is simpler and more cost-effective to our customers to simply charge an hourly rate and that encompasses everything that we can do for you in that time.

"Human" Time: $65 per hour (billed by the minute, NOT rounded to the nearest half hour and NOT repeated per item)
"Machine" Time: $35 per hour (again, billed by the actual minute)

Audio transfer of any standard format (reels, cassette tapes, albums, etc): $20.00 per hour, with a $20.00 minimum
Motion picture film: $0.36 per linear foot
Scanning: $65 per hour, regardless of the source material format (i.e., prints, negatives, paper, glass, etc)
Videotape: $30.00 per hour of recorded footage
(NOTE: We do not charge per videocassette, but instead add together the runtimes on the tapes after we have precisely determined how much actual footage is on the tapes themselves, and we can therefore save you money versus charging you by the tape; our efforts to precisely and properly document your tapes and their contents involves building a customized spreadsheet showing you the details of each tape so that you do not have to dig out the videotapes themselves in the future to know what is on them or how long they run, etc, and you will be provided with a copy of this spreadsheet with your completed order unless you specifically choose not to receive it)

$65 per hour for all types of editing of digitized materials - audio, video, images, etc.  This can include video and audio editing as well as Photoshop image work including cropping, color correction, repair, etc.  This also includes full authoring of an entirely new video project, built upon your stated preferences.  Prices can include both "human time" and the much-reduced "machine time" (see below).

$65 per hour.  This includes special-occasion videos for use at weddings, funerals, graduations, engagements, births, and so on.  These can be perpetually looped to be self-playing or with traditional menus and push-button commands.  They can include still images or motion video and specialized sounds and music can be added.  Prices can include both "human time" and the much-reduced "machine time" (see below).

As a default and unless you specify otherwise, we save your digitized memories to optical storage discs (e.g., Compact Discs "CDs", Digital Versatility Discs "DVDs", and Blu-Ray discs "BD-Rs").  There are different options for these discs regarding how long they will last, so please make sure to ask about pricing.  Prices include both materials and "machine time" (see below).
"Machine" Time Vs. "Human" Time: The Difference
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